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Concept Art Portfolio

Concept Art Portfolio

Attila G. Varga
by attilavarga on 31 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Hi my name is Attila G. Varga. Here you can see some of my concepts and illustrations I've made during my studies.

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The Legend of King Arthur
This is one of my latest project I'am working on.
This is made for the latest Artstation Challenge.

Feudal Japan: The Shogunate Artstation Challenge

Project CCGG
These concepts were made for the Crystal Canvas Game Graphics competition.
Our task was to imagine a videogame based around the idea of Freedom and to present it with some concepts. This was my enrty. 

"It is an action-adveture game about a young brithis fellow at the first period of The Seven Years War. In the game the player will be able to experience, the war from the perspective of a young boy who’s never fought before. After a lost battle agains the French forces the player is going to fight for his freedom by getting through the frontiers and teretorries of the French and the native americans. But the war is not just about shooting and swinging sword. All the while the player has the chance to delve deep into the character's mind and gets to experience first hand the fight against the shock and trauma that comes with the horrors of war and murders. In the game you are goint to make difficult moral choices and the way you play the it is going to make this journey your own."

Personal Environment Illustratons

Character Illustrations:
As a concept artist I feel that I should explore the different parts of this proffesion and because of that I do my best to do character concept and illustrations despite the fact that I'm much more comfortable with environment concepts.

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