Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Esther Rosenzweig

Esther Rosenzweig

by Allen Bian , Hugo Lyra, Karel Ortega, Angela Marici, Benjamin Coignard, Emily Wang, Nouhad Waheed, Yang Song, and estrose on 30 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

These are my best pieces so far from my work studying at Media Design School as well as other side projects which I collaborated with others. Immersion is a student project I worked on as a team as part of our studies at Media Design School.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Ed Sheeran in Hobbiton

Environment Modeling, Surfacing, Lighting

Collaboration project with Mirela Salge

Still Life - Cassette Tape

Layout, Modeling, Surfacing, Lighting, Rendering and Compositing

The Lair

Layout, Surfacing, Lighting, Rendering and Compositing

BART Train



Directed by Hugo Lyra
Produced by Esther Rosenzweig

Short film student project we worked on our final year at Media Design School.

Under nuclear threat, an ambitious kid must figure out a way to complete the upload of his and his sister's conscience before it's too late.

Artists: Allen Bian, Angela Marici, Benjamin Coignard, Emily Wang, Esther Rosenzweig, Hugo Lyra, Karel Ortega, Nouhad Waheed, Yang Song.

I worked on character modeling, environment modeling, surfacing, facial rigging, lighting, and rendering.

Demoreel 2019 

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