Giving it a Whirl!

Giving it a Whirl!

Humairah Ahmed
by humairah on 30 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

I'm a third year student, busy with life, school and work but taking the time to show what I've whipped up in the 3D world so far...

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As seen above, here is my second year of learning 3D final assessment where we had to replicate an original photograph using Autodesk Maya, Mari, Zbrush and Nuke. I chose rustic objects that remind me of the good old fashioned home cooked meals I had growing up. After this project, I still feel mildly stressed when I use this chopping board!

This is a project I did in my own time while in school last year of a side character that comes up in Rick and Morty. I thought his design looked quirky and gave it a go. If you want to see the reference this guy shows up at 0.23 in the video linked below!

And here's my 2019 showreel so far!

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