Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
''The Wilted Rose'' Animation Shot

''The Wilted Rose'' Animation Shot

Lucas Tarín Casas
by lucasclothespin on 6 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

"The Wilted Rose" is an emotive animated shot by the 3D junior animator Lucas Tarín exploring loss and redemption. With guidance from Animworkshop experts, it captures a young woman confronting her past in a cemetery, emphasizing facial connectivity and emotional depth.

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In the vast world of animation, each work is an opportunity to explore emotions, narratives, and techniques. "The Wilted Rose" emerges as a delicate flower in that creative garden, an animated shot weaving a tale of loss, regret, and redemption. This project is born within Animworkshop, a learning oasis where advanced animators immerse themselves in the art of advanced acting. Over three intense months, I embarked on this journey, guided by the expert mentorship of Javi Neiro, a leader in the animation industry, lead animator at Skydance. With the vision of Jorge Guirao, an expert in the mystery of light and digital composition, the setting came to life to host the drama of "The Wilted Rose." 

The heart of "The Wilted Rose" beats in a cemetery shrouded in shadows, where a solitary woman confronts her past. In the scene, a close-up reveals the nuances of pain on the face of a young woman, whose eyes reflect a whirlwind of emotions. It is here, facing her father's grave, where her pain is unleashed. Words flow laden with sorrow as the protagonist expresses regret for not achieving the dreams they shared. Every gesture, every movement I've tried to study in detail through references, is a dance of contained desperation, an internal struggle to find solace in a world marked by absence. 

As a junior animator, this project represented a monumental challenge, an opportunity to reach the heights of high-budget cinematography. In the process, new frontiers of facial connectivity were explored, capturing the very essence of the human experience in each frame. "The Wilted Rose" is not just an animated shot; it is a testament to perseverance, collaboration, and artistic growth. In its brief duration, it encapsulates a universe of emotions, ready to touch the hearts of those who immerse themselves in its story. 

I hope you enjoy it.

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