Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


Anaïs Segonds
by anaissegonds on 6 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Communication campaign against sexist and sexual harassment for Tisséo, Toulouse's public transport network.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

As part of my training, we were asked to produce a triptych of posters against sexist and sexual harassment, for the Tisséo public transport network in Toulouse.

With the growing importance of public transport in cities, there's a growing awareness among the general public of the need to take action against sexist behavior. Tisséo asked us to create posters with a clear message, without stigmatization.

As part of my research, I studied communication campaigns with an incisive or denunciatory tone. At the same time, I explored feminist contemporary art, selecting artists whose works offer enlightened perspectives on the condition of women.

Focusing on the subject of sexist harassment, I chose to represent women's experiences in a plastic way, using human images to visually illustrate the situations they may experience. 

It was then that I decided to represent three parts of the body: eyeballs and eyes, mouths and hands, symbolizing respectively insistent stares, sexist comments and touching. I chose short, impactful slogans: "Eyes disturb", "Hands offend" and "Words destroy", which I then inserted in a cartouche.

I took my own photographs of hands and mouths. I explored different page layouts.

Then explored the use of the threshold, ultimately deciding to retain a final graphic rendering in trichrome, deemed more coherent. I arranged the elements to enhance their legibility and impact, while maintaining a minimalist composition for maximum effectiveness.

I used two different typefaces: I chose Futura Bold for the impact of the slogans, a choice that was linked with Barbara Kruger, and Forma Light to create a visual separation with Tisséo's commitment.

The posters were produced in a three-color process to attract the public's attention with bright colors, reinforcing the aggressive character of the campaign. The short, punchy slogans were chosen for immediate comprehension, and the minimalist composition and typography were carefully selected for optimum legibility.

The overall effect is to make viewers feel uncomfortable, using a disturbing but necessary visual approach to raise awareness and legitimize the feelings of the victims.

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