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My Art Journey

My Art Journey

Ricky Lee
by chonkersbonkers8 on 9 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi, I'm Ricky Lee and this is my art showcase for the past year from studying in The One Academy

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Round of applause for our sponsors


an IP that I've started recently for my graduation project


There's a calamity happened a while ago in the world which was caused by the curse . After the calamity happened, an elf girl priest and her companion was roaming the world to stop the curse and to find the world's mystery left by the ancient ones.​

Purify - Game Art Cover

Promotional Game Cover for my recent ip. The Cover showcases Avia, the main character purifying a main statue which showcases how the game roughly works

Cursed Resurgence 

an IP I've started months ago for Design Process Principles class. 
The Story takes place on Ancient Mayan, where Zaltac (The MC) challenged to claim the ancient relic, but was cursed at the process. His mind was fused with the soul of the relic itself and he was unable to recall his old memories. Now he's the warden of the temple, for those who tried to challenge the temple itself, he's ready to crush his foes.

ASHURA - Concept Design

A Group IP for Concept Design Class. 


An old monk, his body covered in scars and old injuries, is talking to some younger acolytes. They ask him about his injuries, and he spins tall tales of his old life that paint himself as a hero - but as his stories wear on, the truth begins to emerge of his dark past. As he comes to the end of his last story, the monastery is attacked by one of his old rivals.

I designed the Monk which is the main character of the story and the Kappa which is a villager creature on the story. Last but not least, I designed the Monastery Interior and The Cursed Buddha Statue which influences the Monk and his followers.

Ashura - Key Arts and Poster

Monks Gathering

The Monk and his disciples are gathering for a tea time in the Monastery Courtyard.

Samurai's Massacre

The Samurai came to the Monk (formerly the Ronin) to the monastery to get his revenge for cutting his helm horns. The Samurai decapitated the Monk’s head and burns the whole monastery down, leaving no one alive.

Ashura Poster - The Sinner

The monk praying to the Buddha Statue (as the Silhouette), while the hand corpse are crawling to show how many lives he’s slain in the past as a ronin.

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