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Sonia Martin - Concept Art 2024

Sonia Martin - Concept Art 2024

Sonia Martin
by SoniaMartin on 15 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi ! Iā€™m Sonia and I just graduated from Brassart in France. I love designing characters as well as bringing them to life in 3D. I look forward to starting my journey in the industry, learning and growing as an artist. Here are my lastest academic and personal projects. Enjoy !

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ZAL - Graduation Project

Zal is my graduation short movie, I did at brassart school in a team of 5 students. I was mainly responsible of the character design, 3D character art.
šŸ“œ A young man is imprisoned in a Temple in order to look after the creature that is trapped in there. However, he doesn't want to follow the tradition imposed by his "horn lineage" belonging, and in a surge of anger, he awakens the dangerous creature. This is how he'll have to face himself and the creature to survive.

Zal, a youthful boy cursed with sinister horns, belongs to a kind who once persecuted and imprisoned beings like Oktai. Now, his sole responsibility is to guard the temple where one of these beings has been confined. He has been groomed for this role throughout his life. Despite his innate fearfulness and clumsiness, Zal finds his duty to guard the temple to be an exasperating burden, one he never chose but was thrust upon him.

His design, and the universe of the story itself are heavily inspired by west asian culturs. For the style I went for a mix between Arcane, Valorant and Entergalactic.

Here's a quick look at Zal's 3D model I did afterwards ! You can see more of it on my Character Art entry for the contest here.

Oktai, an ancient divine being, has been confined by the horned people. The medallion forcibly attached to him triggers his aggression whenever approached by those with horns. His antennas rise up, his ears arch themselves to look like hors and his eyes turn purple whenever his medallion is triggered. Otherwise, he is a very loyal creature to those he trusts and he can run in the sky !

The intention was to create a huge divine creature that would inspire fear, beauty, and might but still with a cute side.šŸŒŸ We needed the fluidity of a pine marten with the strength of a fossa for Oktai. So it is hugely inspired by dragon creatures like Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon) and Haku (Spirited Away).

Here's a quick look at Oktai's 3D model I did afterwards ! You can see more of it on my Character Art entry for the contest here.

Concept Art & Illustration

I was also responsible for a few environment designs and illustration for the movie !

Here you can take a look at our trailer !

Candle Knight - Personal Project

The goal of this personal project was to have fun creating a character out of my comfort zone within a month. The theme of the character design challenge "Candle Knight" was proposed by Antoine Gadoud for July 2023.

Faeliel - Short Movie School Project

Here is my contribution to last year's most important school project. Our goal was to create a 2 minute short movie in groups of 5, based on the universe of a book or author, in the span of 2 months. Here we chose the universe of J.R.R.Tolkien.

During this project, I was responsible for the character design of our main character. Her name is Faeliel and she's a very creative young half elf.

Here's a quick look at Faeliel's 3D model I did afterwards ! You can see more of it on my Character Art entry for the contest here.

Blaze - Valorant Fan Art

Here's my take at creating a character in the Valorant universe : Blaze

A former secret service agent, Sveta Lebedev is the unexpected owner of an ancient and powerful artifact with the power to control and summon sunlight out of nothing.

This project helped me practice an art direction that I am not familiar with, as well as preparing everything needed for an eventual 3D model.

Marshall - Character Design School Project

Lord Marshall Lockridge is a Victorian aristocrat distinguished by his gambling-themed attire, including patterns of playing cards and dice. A master gambler with keen business acumen, he's often embroiled in crimes and scandal yet remains untarnished, shrouded in mystery about his true motives and loyalties. In the world of Victorian London, he's a formidable character, whether viewed as hero or villain. This school project involves designing and modeling characters in trios of a hero, an ally, and a villain. My task was to develop the villain. I hope you enjoy it.

Thank You !

Thanks a lot for watching my entry ! I hope you enjoyed going through my work <3

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