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MSI Motion Graphics Branding Video

MSI Motion Graphics Branding Video

by EpTan on 7 Apr 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

The project is showing an animation video to deliver the message for target audience who are techy users and gaming lovers that young adults who search for price valuable and efficient laptop for entertainment experience and working purpose.

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MSI Laptop: Motion Graphic Product Video Ads

I'm the student from The One Academy Penang. This is the project of Motion Graphics Design that I'm going to showcase here. The project is created within last year in course semester that I did as a personal school project for taking branding example to create the product video animation.

The project involved 2D flat graphics and 3D layer graphics mixing in the animation, and it is the first time that I trying to use three-dimensional visual graphics to express the animation inside the video by After Effect software.

Here is the showcase of the concept board of the MSI branding product video of Motion Graphics.


The MSI GF65 Thin 10UE laptop, is a high performance and affordable price for gamers and design students to use. It applied the requirements of hardware to fulfil in student heavy design projects and high performances gaming.

With RTX 3060 Graphics Card and i7 Intel Core Processor, it creates smooth and high-quality graphics in shorter time and proceeding multi-tasking with low pressure of processing abilities.


The purpose that I selected the computer brand "MSI" as the product to animate it is because the idea that came from my laptop GF65 Thin 10UE that I always using it. And also, this laptop companies me through the whole course until now to create a series of my artwork.This is the reason I planned my laptop as a product to showcase its selling point.

As a gamer and student, need a good performance laptop is important, and relate to its hardware requirements. I take a lot of references to observe how they present a laptop product through a commercial video. 

1. Ideation

In the beginning of preparation setting of the video content. I browse related showcase videos form references and analyse their transitions and compositions.

To ultilise the 30-seconds requirement of the product video, I break out the few part of phase to storyboarding the scenes.

These are the visual script content I created and seperate each phase and duration:

Scene 1 (4s)

Activating the computer from black background, the light edges start connecting and form the shape.

Scene 2 (6s)

The power button turns light and zoom into the motherboard. Show the electric glow flow around the core.

Scene 3 (6s)

The core turns itself around change to the graphic card that starts its fan.

Scene 4 (5s)

Through the fan of graphic card, the racing game have started.

Scene 5 (5s)

Along the game, the supercar start to accelerate, the display pan show to 140+ speed (represent hz)

Scene 6 (4s)

And bring out the camera lastly, show the slogan and close the laptop turns into a logo.

I linked few scene of sketches and add few frames to create as a short animatic. This step is purposely made out for clearly show what kind of transitions I need to make out. I refined some of the scene afterward to enhance the video pacing smoothness.

2. Moodboard

I selected some colour scheme that may able to use in the outcome. To precise the range of the colour and mood, I make a comparison between two colour scheme.

Initially the moodboard was settled as Neon Blue and MSI Branding Red as a two subject mood to test the colour for applying in final outcome.

In order to make the overall mood more appealing, attractive and prominent. I mix these color as an idea of luxury purple and color transitions to appear gradient. The outcome brings a very sharp, futuristic direction, and highlight the subject while elements combined.

Final moodboard is the colour that decided from the mixing of both from initial moodboard. I discovered these colour are more suitable to enhance the feeling of the branding.

Some of the typeface chosen from initial research in below:

The final typeface selected to Kallisto because of its typeface appear characteristics and unique for showing the mood of technology and branding.

3. Effect Test / Technical Creation

Before creating the assets, I try out the 3D layers in the After Effect by few solid shape layers and parenting to observe its theory and uses.

The hardest part is the modelling of the motherboard due to their microparts and details that are difficult to suits it in perfect visual. 

So, I take time to draw out the motherboard in Blender modelling software instead of drawing for the illustrator to understand what it looks like.

After that I managed to trace the shape of the motherboard in AI layers for testing the fake 3D concept.

Next, I place those layers in the After Effect software to experiment the 3D layer features to interact with both motherboard and intel-i7 core chip.

This experiment achieved my expectation for me as same as the test outcome I did previously.

So I use the same way to animate other scenes assets as same as creating their layer faces and direction to perform 3D moves and transitions smoothly.

Some other effect used are including masking, parenting, filters, and pre-comp and camera rotation to interact with other layer elements. Below are the progression while making the scenes.

4. Export

Below is the final rendered outcome video of 30-second product showcase video. Please enjoy!

Closer To You - By Phonk Brothers

Music provided by TakeTones. Non-commercial uses.

Free Download Music:


Thanks for watching through my projects!

And special thanks to my lecturer, Mr. Wilmer for provide supporting advice and solving solution during my project progression. And lectured some advanced workshop of software tutorials and tools exploration that provide me as a good idea to development.

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