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Rocinante from The Expanse in UE5

Rocinante from The Expanse in UE5

by JoelThomas on 10 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This was my submission for a university project to recreate a TV set of our choosing in Unreal Engine 5 with Lumen. This is a recreation of the Rocinante set used in The Expanse, a scifi TV series. Every asset was hand made, down to the textures themselves. No asset packs were used.

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The video above features the music 'Luna' by Clinton Shorter for The Expanse TV show

My hero assets for this project were the bucket seat style chairs used in the show. I created these with a high to low poly workflow, trying to retain as much detail as possible without going overkill with the polycounts. Its also the only asset in the scene that uses 4k textures.

This was the first time I've tried to accurately replicate carbon fibre using anisotropy instead of a basic colour texture for its weave pattern. Even in unreal, I think the effect is quite convincing

A problem I encountered early on while working on the project were the lit hexagonal patterned walls. These relied on a lighting setup that even Unreal Engines new virtual shadow maps couldn't solve, as you can see in the pictures below.

The solution I ended up using was to bake the lighting in Blenders path tracing engine, which I could later use in Unreal via an emission texture. The result is much better while also saving on the total light sources in the scene, which I was trying to keep under control.

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