Young Adventure

Young Adventure

by timtoc and williamdujardin on 29 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Some shot of my graduation movie called "Young Adventure" and gym facial of my main character

6 922 0
Round of applause for our sponsors

Main character of graduation movie "Young Adventure"

Rigging:Bonnet eymard Malko (

Grooming:Blanchet Axelle (

Modeling/cloth texturing: Roig Lucas (

skin Texturing: Me(

Nb:a little problem about the grooming between the frame 1 and 110.

Support character of graduation movie "Young Adventure"

Rigging:Bonnet eymard Malko (

Grooming:Blanchet Axelle (

Modeling/cloth texturing: Roig Lucas (

skin Texturing: Me(

ps:Without gym facial

A shot of graduation movie "Young Adventure"

Rigging:Bonnet eymard Malko (

Animator quadruped/Grooming/lighting:Blanchet Axelle (

Animator character:Soria Esteban

Modeling props/set dressing:Dujardin William

Modeling/cloth texturing: Roig Lucas (

 Texturing/Rendering_compositing: Me(

Grooming of creature:Vandermeersch Patricia

ps:Without gym facial

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