Face au Mur

Face au Mur

Andy Jauffrit
by AndyJauffrit on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello, I'm Andy Jauffrit, a French student who graduated from the Ecole Pivaut. This is my end-of-year project, called Face au Mur. It's a short animated film in 3d and 2d, which deals with subjects that are not usually discussed or highlighted.

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Face au mur is a short film that explores, in an intimate and heartfelt way, how taboo subjects such as sexism, patriarchy, toxic masculinity and pornography can alter the daily lives of those who fall victim to them, and how they can be deconstructed through the stories of three couples confronted with these issues. The film aims to provoke reflection in viewers and change their minds on these subjects.

My objective through this project is to create something real and sincere through places and light.

What I want to emphasize is sincere, realistic and powerful dialogue, as well as intimacy within each couple. I want to give viewers an intimate perspective on these subjects to touch them personally.

My ultimate aim is to make viewers think about their own lives and change their minds about the subjects dealt with in the film. I want to take a fresh, sincere look at subjects that are often taboo, and show how they can be approached constructively.

Above all, I wanted the characters' stories to touch people, so that they could identify with one or more of them.

For me, it was important for the characters to be rooted in reality, which is why I decided to incorporate clothing brands so that people could identify with them.

As mentioned above, with this short film I'm looking for something real, and I wanted to support the images and framing with colored light to amplify the emotion.

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