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Kamikaze & Viking Port VFX

Kamikaze & Viking Port VFX

Javier Figueruelo Muñoz
by javierfigueruelo on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

My name is Javier, and these are two of the latest personal projects I have been working on during my final year of studies VFX at Voxel School Madrid.

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The first one is Kamikaze, where several D3A "Val" planes attack the American aircraft carrier Yorktown CV-5. I drew inspiration from various scenes in the movie Midway (2019), where the roles are reversed, with American planes attacking Japanese Imperial Navy carriers. It has been a great challenge to incorporate all the knowledge I have learned into a single scene, and at the same time, it has been extremely satisfying to achieve a result that I am pleased with.


Viking Port

In the Viking Port project, we can delve into a post-war scene where a port is depicted along a river. It appears that several Viking ships have suffered significant damage and human losses. The cause is unknown, but the area is filled with ashes and a heavy atmosphere of smoke. Countless crows are circling the area, ready to have a final feast on the lifeless bodies of the soldiers who fell in battle.


Thank you for your time, I hope you liked it!

Sending you a big greeting.

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