Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Cathy Lin - 2023 Motion Media Portfolio

Cathy Lin - 2023 Motion Media Portfolio

by cathylin and murielchoi on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Cathy Lin is a motion designer who love 2D motion, illustrative motion and character animation. This is her 2023 Motion Media portfolio and hope you enjoy!

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Hey there! 

This is Cathy Lin's 2023 Motion media portfolio.

Shining Stars

It’s a story about friendship and how it changes as we grow older. We and our friends gradually had less in common and drifted apart without realizing it. Even so, friendship continues to support each other as they journey towards their futures.

In this project, I did cel animation for character, used 3D for reference and composed them in the AE. 

Role: direction/ design/ animation



Character Design

Cel Process


This project is inspired by a theory called Interpreting Serials by Umberto Eco.

While we may imagine an ideal workplace to be one that has a comfortable office, a supportive boss, and a reasonable work schedule, the reality is that finding such a job is often like a fairytale - rare and difficult to come by. In this project, I tried to use the scheme of fairytales in situations in the workplace as an irony.

Role: direction/ design/ animation




Little forest

This project is a show repackage for Little Forest,  a “Caring for Kids in Nature” Korean program. It is a healing variety program designed for home kids. The kids will spend 2 days and 1 night with the cast, away from their parents for the first time.

Little Forest focuses on giving children a chance to play and to discover in nature. So, we put emphasis on children’s fresh experience in nature and add colorful and energetic elements in a warm tone to match its vibe.

Role: direction/ design/ animation

Credit: Erica Kim - Designer + Animator / Muriel Choi - Designer + Animator



We started the storyboard by deciding the order. According to the order, we each made a storyboard for this project. After discussion, we selected and combined shots from our storyboards. The red frames I marked below are shots selected from my storyboard proposal.


Same as storyboard, we decided a direction, crayon illustrative style, first and then we each drew a styleframe. Finally, we decided to follow my art style. In our teamwork, we want each of us to engage in each part of process. So, we each made some parts of the design and animation. To keep it consistence, I shared the brushes and color palette to my teammates, and I gave feedbacks while they are working on design. 

Thanks for reading!

Here are some links to find more about my work.


Instagram: @cathy._.linlin

Feel free to say hi!

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