Hibiscus Flowers_Writer's Cabinet

Hibiscus Flowers_Writer's Cabinet

by gesikalmt on 27 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Two of the projects I did at ESMA during my 1st and 2nd year.

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The hibiscus is a beautiful flower that is native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. In many cultures, the hibiscus holds significant meaning and symbolism, representing everything from beauty and love to power and royalty.

One of the most common meanings of the hibiscus is beauty. The flower's vibrant colors and delicate petals are often used in art and design to represent the beauty of nature and the world around us. In many cultures, the hibiscus is also associated with love and romance, and it is often given as a gift to express feelings of affection and passion.

This project was my first work in which I created organic elements in 3D. It was completed after a year's practice in 3D.

I spend 2 month on it.


This project represent a writer's cabinet in the '50. This writer is running out of ideas. 

Blank page syndrome, is a common phenomenon that many writers experience at some point in their careers. It is a frustrating and often paralyzing condition where a writer finds themselves unable to generate new ideas or produce content, despite their desire to do so.

The causes of blank page syndrome can vary widely from person to person. For some writers, it may stem from a lack of inspiration or creative energy, while for others, it may be due to anxiety or fear of failure.

To know more about the writer, I let you look at my work and let your imagination run wild....

This project was imagine thank to my sister's typewriter. It was made at the end of my 1st year in 3D animation school.


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