Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
My First Motion Graphics Project

My First Motion Graphics Project

Hello everyone! This is my first entry in the Motion Graphics category - coincidentally this is also my first proper motion graphics project!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

My First Motion Graphics Project

During my most recent stay at school, as part of my apprenticeship, I was given the assignment of creating a project with motion graphics. As I've been primarily invested in the world of arch viz, and only "recently" animation, this was a slightly daunting assignment. This is the result!

With this project, I gave myself some limitations and key points that I wanted to work with in mind. I like to set these before starting any project. I find having these in place as the first thing, helps me keep focused on what I wanted to work on, or achieve, as well as keep things realistic. 

For limitations, I was not allowed to do any new 3d material, as much as possible, instead having to use prior material, or find it somewhere else. this was to focus entirely on the motion graphics part. I also had to finish the whole thing within a 2 week period, spending maximum the equivalent of 8 hours a day working.

For key points, I really wanted this to be a product commercial, as I had never done that before, and felt it would be a good opportunity to develop skills in that area. I also wanted to primarily spend my time in After Effects, in order to learn more about the software. Lastly, I wanted to spend most of my time during pre-production, focusing on brainstorming, storyboarding, and building an animatic.

Final Animatic

First version of the animatic

Reused Material


Thank you for taking the time to both watch and read through my motion graphics entry in this year's The Rookies contest!

disclaimer: This project is purely personal/school related

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