Concept Art Portfolio

Concept Art Portfolio

Mari Gallet
by MariGallet on 20 Apr 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello, my name is Mari and I'm finishing up my education at Howest DAE next year! I love designing characters, creatures, and props. I look forward to learning and growing more as an artist in the next few years. Enjoy!

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Hello, my name is Mari Gallet and I'm a Belgian concept artist, currently studying at Digital Arts and Entertainment, Kortrijk.

The Giant of The Steppe

My most recent project, The Giant of The Steppe, is a collection of concept art I've done for the Student Animated Short that I'll be working on next semester. I learned a lot about creature design, as well as using photo bashing as a base for more complex renders. I am incredibly excited to see these characters move.

The Library's Guardian

When I first finished this project, I was not entirely satisfied with it. That is why, after putting it aside for a year, I decided to rework it to get to this end result.
I'm very happy with how it came out. I think it has much more character than the original.

The Empress of the Goblins

This project was inspired by the Labyrinth movie starring David Bowie. I was very enthusiastic about it to the point of filling half a sketchbook with concepts for creatures and costume designs. The result is still one of my favorite pieces to date.

Circus Dating Sim

I worked as the Art Lead on a dating simulator project with my friends for a while. This gave me a little taste of working towards a bigger project with a team. I really enjoyed working on it.

Froggy Witch's Travelling Kit

I designed and sculpted the belongings of a little frog-themed witch in Zbrush.

The Retired Singer

I challenged myself to make a character from start to finish in three days. I experimented with more cartoonish proportions to make her character more interesting.

Tarzan & Jane

I re-imagined the iconic duo Tarzan and Jane. My twist to the story was that Jane lost her leg after an animal attack, and now travels through the wilderness on Tarzan's back.

Independent Paintings

Design for a LAN Event

Gift Painting

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