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Lets Dance
  Play by Play

Lets Dance

Alexander Bray
by Dnbray on 27 Jan 2023 for Autodesk - RIG.B

Robot has had a boring day at work but now he's finished what better way to end the day than dance.

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Update - 30 Mar 2023

This my final submission for the competition

Just added a bit of sound and music to liven it up a bit and added the required logos

Its been a pleasure to take part in this competition and I've really enjoyed animating in Maya. I just focused on the animation side as that the career path I want to go into.

I'll be interested to hear the feedback for my submission.

Thanks all,
Signing off.

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Update - 29 Mar 2023

Getting close now, the finishing line is in sight.

I am now please to show you my final animation rendered. I focused solely on the animation side for this competition so no textures but I am pretty happy with the final result since I haven't done much animating in Maya before.

This is the first version with no sound since I wanted to show just the raw animation, ill upload the next version with sound and the logos a little later.

I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this competition and this has made me realise that animation is the route I want to go down when job searching as I enjoy it the most. 

I also thought I should share some of the references I was using. My main reference was a TIkTok video but I couldn't really share the whole video so I've taken some screenshots from some key points to show what I was using.

Update - 1 Mar 2023

Pretty happy with how this is looking now
Added some more details to the beginning where robot stands up so its quicker making use of the thruster

Also added some details to the other dance moves smoothing some things out

I also added the animation with robot kicking over the monitor which I had planned from the start
After a few more tweaks and details I'll be ready to render out. Really looking forward to seeing it rendered ive had a blast making it.

Update - 18 Feb 2023

Scene is now all setup
I modelled a work desk, the monitor that will be knocked over when robot vaults over the table and some other parts.

Update - 15 Feb 2023

Having a blast doing this animation.
I have been working in the graph editor to touch up parts and make the animation smoother. I am really happy with the way it is looking.
I also changed the beginning part where Robot stands up, I wasn't happy with the sliding hands across the desk so I changed it to be more he pushes himself up. I did further tweaking on the way he vaults the desk and added more body movement to the dance.

Next up I've noticed that ATM I don't have much movement in the fingers which is very unrealistic so I will be adding that in.
After that I'm going to do some more modelling on the desk and properly set the scene then I will start rendering out the actual animation, ATM I've just been sharing playblasts to give updates but I need to see how it actually looks rendered then will be able to share my final submission.

Update - 30 Jan 2023

2nd blockout for the dance.

I added more movement to robot when he vaults over the table. I wasn't happy with him just landing on his feet I thought it was too simple and not very exciting so I updated to it so he goes into like an Iron Man pose before beginning the dance, I thought this made the build-up a lot more exciting.

I also worked out how to use the thrusters that the robot comes equipped with so at certain points that seemed suitable I have added them such as when he bends down or stands up.

I've added some more movement to the arms and shoulders so the dance is a bit more lively and has more movement. I also added some more movement to the camera so the dance looks a bit more exciting.

Next up I think the body needs some tweaking and several adjustments to the movement before going into more detail.

Update - 27 Jan 2023

First update for the robot animation competition, really grateful and excited to be taking part in it.
This is actually the first time I have animated in Maya, in the past I have used a different software.

I was heavily inspired for this after watching Wednesday especially the dance scene  and seeing TikTok videos of others dancing so I decided to base the animation on that. I also added a little story at the start that Robot has had a boring day at work but as soon as he finishes he just wants to celebrate and what better way than to dance.

This is the first blockout I have done getting the initial movements in, I have already fixed some of the mistakes but now i'm going to add more keyframes and work on getting the movement smoother.

I also plan to model a bit more of the desk to set the scene and also plan to have robot kick the computer away that is on his desk.