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by Tonywu1118 on 2 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Think about a space, and that whatever you do in this space is one step closer to reaching a healthier version of yourself. Nothing could go wrong, for architecture has become your teacher and friend; the architecture itself will guide you while you are in it.

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Think about a space, and that whatever you do in this space is one step closer to reaching a healthier version of yourself. Nothing could go wrong, for architecture has become your teacher and friend; the architecture itself will guide you while you are in it. All those around you are striving for the same goal. It is a domain of wellness, where visitors have the freedom, safety, and support systems to discover the resources inside to improve physically, emotionally, or mentally. The ecosystem within this building functions as an overall support system for everyone within it. 

Where is this place? Let me introduce you to the Green Booster experiential store. This facility was designed with one overarching goal--to be a sanctuary for those looking to better themselves

Overweight cannot be neglected any longer in America. In one study, 66% of Americans are overweight or are obese. 73.6% of Americans who are 20 years old or over are overweight or obese. There are many reasons for this problem--unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, irregular meals, or sleep patterns. In order to lose weight, many people resort to methods such as a keto or vegan diet or increase their workout time. However, many of these diet crazes fail. Why? Because people lack the knowledge of maintaining good health. Sometimes friends and family do not support them. Perhaps they are stuck in old habits of eating at fast-food restaurants or convenience stores. People are generally not educated enough to diet on their own.

This facility was designed with one overarching goal: to be a sanctuary for those looking to better themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. By creating a domain of wellness, visitors have the freedom, safety, and support system to discover the resources inside to better themselves whether that be physically, emotionally, or mentally. The ecosystem within the building is also meant to act as a support system for all visitors who share the common goal. You are no longer by yourself.

1. The hexagon shape ceiling is broken and extended in the same direction. It represents united, it represents wholeness. Also, it makes the space feel more alive because the ceiling is breathing.

2. The wood strip railing follows the same rhythm on the first floor, so people can feel the wholeness from the floor to the ceiling. Also represent you need to be strict and loose at the same time.

3. The space encourages people to walk, there is no seat but people are welcome to seat anywhere you want.

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