Dive | Storyboard Animatic

Dive | Storyboard Animatic

Christophe Jacques Bouchard
by ceeboujee on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Based on the experiences of a world-level competitive athlete, Dive is a story that depicts a gnome participating in an Olympics-style diving event. Here, I am showcasing an action sequence from the storyboard project. Enjoy!

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Dive’s story, initially, used to be about competition. Specifically, about how one competes more with themselves rather than their competitors, or how one should focus more on themselves when competing.

Instead, I am revisiting, changing the story to forego the inclusion of competitors as its focal point; the story is transforming into something about one’s mental state while performing at the highest competitive level—(After all, our biggest competitors are ourselves). Dive depicts a single gnome participating in an Olympics-style diving event who encounters a dragon sometime along the way.

While I continue to develop this story, I’m thinking about juxtaposing grace with danger, even death. (With some comedy in the mix).

The “dragon” in Dive is the dragon of archetype: It is the embodiment of danger, death, and opposition; it is the thing within us that tries to hold us back; it is the beast that guards the treasure; it is doubt. The “dragon” is something athletes encounter every time they train and especially in every event that they compete in. This is a story about a competitive performer who outruns their personal dragon in the highest dive of their career.

Dive Exploration

Thumbnails, process, rough beats.

Thank you!

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