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Concept art showcase for the game Ohja

Concept art showcase for the game Ohja

by MilijanPopovski on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A full concept showcase of all the characters and environments for the game Ohja that was made at M3DS academy.

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   Hi! im Milijan i have loved art since i was a kid. Loving and creating art has led me to get involved in the videogame industry. These are all of my concept artworks and ideas for the game Ohia wich was being worked on at M3DS academy for visual arts. I was involved and created many of the designs for the characters in this project.

   This is the protagonist of the game - Gaia The Mage. Her looks are inspired by the theme of mystical nature and medieval fantasy. My main focus was to define her bright color palette and bright looks.  

  Gaia's environment is compatible with her style. Its a unique witch house created by her with a polar opposite feel to the other environments from Ohja.

   Gag' Thar the keeper of the restless  is the first character designed with the focus being centered around a reaper inspired look with a dark color palette and environment  matching that tone.

   Concepts for the banshees weapon of choice.

   His environment is a decayed corpse of a giant that has been made into a graveyard being kept secure by him.

   Thesauruss the keeper of treasures was the second character design. I wanted to show off his majesty and power through his posture and general looks.

  The dragons environment was focused around his loyalty and duty. A temple located a top a mountain filled with treasures being kept safe and secure  by him.

   Lazuli the spider queen was the final character design and concept focused around  a spider queen ordering her hatchlings  to attack the witch.

   The spiders environment, a cold and large cave  that was once a mine now home to the spider queen. Covered in webs and old mining equipment.

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