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My 2022 Showreel

My 2022 Showreel

Quinn Paul Ranulph Dacre
by mrquinn on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This my showreel for 2022 demonstrating my latest animation and design work. I am entering my third year of my Bachelor of Design degree majoring in Animation and VFX.

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This is my showreel for 2022 featuring my latest animation and design work. I am entering my third year of my Bachelor of Design degree majoring in Animation and VFX. My skills range from 2D to 3D animation, FX and motion capture as well. I love all aspects of Animation & VFX to the point that I can't settle on one medium!

All displayed pieces highlight my methods of animation, modelling, compositing and design.

DEVELOPMENT for various pieces.

(Hand animation process for my short-film 'ACCEPTANCE' drawn on over 1000+ Post-It notes)

Planning and development for my commercial concept.

Visual storyboard for my Audi animated commercial concept.

Planning and development for 'YZY x GAP' piece.

I generally storyboard my pieces initially to grasp the story and mood of the sequence.

Planning and development for 'DEFI MAFIA' Unreal Engine 5 piece.

Characters designed for this scene.

Modelling, texturing, clothing design process of character for VFX compositing piece.

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