Snoozerz Loserz | 3rd Year Film

Snoozerz Loserz | 3rd Year Film

Erica Tang
by etango on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Snoozers Loserz is a film about a young witch doing her potions homework at the last minute. I wanted to come up with something funny and light hearted and I figured that pulling an all nighter to do the homework we all forgot about would be something that everyone would relate to!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Snoozers Losers is my final year film that I have been working on at the University of Hertfordshire.

I wanted to come up with something funny and light hearted and I figured that pulling an all nighter to do the homework we all forgot about would be something that everyone would relate to!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the making of this film, and thank you so much to Daniel Baldwin for doing an amazing job on the music!

Expression sheets and Concept sketches

Promotional Poster

Thank you for Watching! :)

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