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Motion Graphic Entry 2022

Motion Graphic Entry 2022

Faith Cheng
by faeth on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi, I'm Faith :) Here's a compilation of works thus far in my education journey in Nanyang Polytechnic!

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A compilation of works thus far in my education journey in Nanyang Polytechnic.

Enigmatic : MTV Asia Mock Indent

Following the theme of Mental Health Awareness, the objective of the brief was to create a 30 second social awareness mock indent. Enigmatic depicts the internal struggle of somebody struggling with mental health issues including dissociation and hallucinations. This project explores hand drawn frame-by-frame animation as well as layering in sound design to create an immersive and sensory experience for the audience. By visualising the internal turmoil the mentally ill go through, the hope is to allow audiences to walk away better educated and more understanding towards the topic of mental health.

2D Animation : Faith Cheng

Frame-by-Frame Animation : Ng Xiang Yun, Kristen Tan

Sound Design : Faith Cheng


Experimental Typography

Tasked to craft 5 letters from the alphabet according to a central theme, which is mythological creatures, exploration of different ways to creatively design type was done. In order to make the creature recognisable, notable and prominent physical attributes of the creatures was incorporated into the letter and the scene was crafted in relation to where the creature would likely be found, making it even more easily identifiable.

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