Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Hill house

Hill house

by antoniaangelviz on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This is my first project, a recreation of Hill House by Horomy Studio, a cabin in the woods with cozy finishes and a photogenic style.

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Hill House

This was my first project using 3Ds Max and Vray. I challenged myself by selecting photographs of a real building and attempting to recrete them in order to learn photo-realistic rendering. 

This was my final project as a student at 24 StudioLab. 

I began by learning how to 3D model and use tools such as Forest Pack and Floor Generator. As I began to get more comfortable with modeling, I proceded to attempt to find the correct lighting for my project. 

To begin, I started with my favorite exterior image and favorite interior image of the house. I tried to recreate the furniture and vegetation. 

The original photos from Horomy Studio served as inspiration for a high level of detail. 

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