Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
My journey into the world of VFX

My journey into the world of VFX

Markus Gruner
by AkhushGruner on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A hell of a year with Think Tank Online! I feel like a sponge gone sour from so much saturation, but that being said its been a blast and I am happy and proud to showcase my project Floki, a 4 month project that feels like the result of a years worth of blood, sweat and tears. I hope you like it :)

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                                                                                 Final Renders

Grayscale Render


A likeness more then any other kind of project requires good reference, and lots of it! I spent a long time getting reference from all angles, trying to guess camera focal lengths as I did. I then lined up the eyes, ears, nose, ect. of photo's of different angles to use as quick feedback later when trying to dial in the subtleties of the likeness sculpt.


I tried to keep the topology as clean as possible, maximizing density around areas of expression and movement. This was important because the initial sculpt was done in a neutral expression until the likeness was achieved and then the expression was sculpted into the topology at that point. For texturing I used mudbox to project a TextureXYZ diffuse and skin detail onto the sculpt. Both maps were heavily altered by hand (with the help of procedural nodes in mari for the diffuse). I tried a new way of doing the reflections. Leaving the gloss at a flat white and letting the specular and sculpt detail drive the reflection. A coat pass was added to exaggerate the reflections of the T zone and eyelid/lip area's. All texturing of the head was done in Mari.


Animated Light

Zbrush Sculpt


All grooming was done in Xgen using guides. I created separate descriptions for the eyebrow's, eyelashes, peach fuzz, moustache, beard, shorthair, longhair, and even blonde hair. As well as a separate collection for the fur around the collar. The hair shaders all have ramps applied to the melanin value to lighten the tips.

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