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The destined path of becoming a concept artist

The destined path of becoming a concept artist

by Rolando7727 on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

I'm Rolando from Australia. Everyday I feel my insides burning, dreaming to be a concept artist the flame of passion burning through. The hands working day and night fueled by a dream.

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Designed an evil Dark web Android that would fit into a type of horror game. This was really fun to do and tested my skills and capabilities. I worked for many days straight because I was enjoying so much. There is a process here to show the different stages of the design. 

A cold calm winter forest. This was for a community challenge, it caught my eye. I loved every process of creating this landscape. It was my first time painting a snowy forest so clear challenges would arise but also excitement. I enjoyed creating the mood and vibes for this one.  

A witches cursed demon book was super fun to create a story for it. I was very proud of this one because I felt more hope to my dream of becoming a concept artist. The rendering of the stretched skin was specifically really fun, I don't know why...

This was made as a fanart combination of the favorite streamer and the game cyberpunk 2077. This is by far the hardest piece I've done and I can't believe I managed to even do it, I'd say its one of my best pieces too. The passion for concept art was really strong here and continues to burn stronger. 

Some fun log cabin design studies I did. It was fun to build up a world I had in mind. Creating all the small details, doors and windows was fun. 

This was for a Halo challenge that I participated in. Creating the different iterations for the pistol was super fun. I was really obsessed with trying to design something cool even if it didn't turn out the best. I really put all my effort into this one. And enjoyed every second. 

This is 100% the best landscape I've ever done and I am super proud of it! It is a Zelda fanart. Creating something that I was happy with spurred the flame in me to push harder and harder into my chosen path of becoming a concept artist, I didn't want to stop for anything so I kept on going, fighting for what I was most passionate about. 

My Original Character Alfred Piercer is a gothic knight who hunts monsters, beast and supernatural beings. Creating and fleshing out his backstory over for literally years, so it was exciting because I've never thought of a design for him yet. So I thought it was finally time to test my concept art skills and passion to design the character that I have lived with for many years. And I am very happy with this one. Creating this one was really refining my skills further and further.

This one is an older piece. It was for a community challenge. During this time I really set my heart to going the path of a concept artist. Even though creating this piece was a challenge I pushed though and overcame the difficulty. I enjoyed creating this piece despite how hard it was. I've acknowledged the challenges concept artists deal with and I'm not afraid to keep moving on this path, because this is my passion and my love. 

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