Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


by matiasyepez on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

The future of architectural visualization in Ecuador.

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ArQVis is an innovative architectural visualization service made for virtual reality. I did this project to get my degree in interactive design. I have always liked to create spaces or environments that hook people and this is a way to do it. With the knowledge and skills that I have acquired throughout my studies, I want to change the way in which people view housing in Ecuador.

The objective is to ensure that the client is not a simple spectator but rather part of the experience. Thanks to the versatility of graphics engines, in this case, Unity, interactivity can be added to architectural visualization. In this way, people can modify certain aspects of the home, such as the materials of the walls and floors and the lighting of the day. Keep in mind that adequate performance must be achieved so that the experience does not suffer since, we are talking about what happens in real-time and, finally, it must be optimized as best as possible according to the hardware. Although, one goal of my project is to achieve a suitable degree of realism at the same time.

P.S.: All videos with subtitles in english.

This is how it started...

A glimpse of the scripts I had to code for the swapping material functionality in C#. I also had to create a script for the custom menu and tutorial feedback.

I also created a blurry glass shader for the custom menu, so the user can see their surroundings while focusing on the list of materials. 

ArQVis also has a movable door functionality made with Unity's GameObject components and VR Interaction Framework's Grabbable functionality. 

While developing this project, I found out a problem with GameObjects with more than one material. I could only change the first material in the array of materials. That is why I had to recreate certain parts of the house with only one material with ProBuilder.

I also had to create a video capturing workflow with Unity's Sequencing tool, instead of using other software like OBS to capture the screen. The main objective was to obtain the best quality possible without sacrificing FPS. 

The first two images are how the scene looks with the baked indirect lighting. Then the third is the albedo. The second to last is the final result without the indirect lightning. The last one is the final result.  

This is how it is...

And this is the future of ArQVis...

This is my first step towards the future of the service, achieving photorealism without compromising performance.

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