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by Elaine59 on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Momo lamp can give people a chance to think in a quiet environment. When the light is turned on, they will ignore the world or busy life. The only thing they need to do is to stare at the shadow of the water ripples on the wall. When the brain is relaxed, all concerns will disappear. We can deal with problems and

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In contemporary times, introverted and withdrawn people are more likely to receive help and sympathy from society. On the contrary, talkative and extroverted people are labeled as good survival and stress-free. They have to talk continuously every day and never stop socializing. I hope the Momo lamp can give people a chance to think in a quiet environment. When the light is turned on, they will ignore the world or busy life. The only thing they need to do is to stare at the shadow of the water ripples on the wall. When the brain is relaxed, all concerns will disappear. We can deal with problems and relationships more calmly. I hope the Momo lamp can help people create a calm and peaceful social state and attitude towards life.

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