Concept Art 2021/22

Concept Art 2021/22

Alexandra Trauth
by alexandratrauth on 31 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hey, I'm Alexandra and I am a concept art student at New3dge. These projects were done during my first year, hope you enjoy!

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Interior Concepts

These environment designs explore survival shelters in a post-apocalyptic world. The first one shows a military camp in an abandoned mall food-court. The second one is about a group that is repairing a fishing boat in a hangar.

Sci-Fi Explorations

The first one is a design blueprint for a spacestation. It has a spherical main body for living and working and is connected to a frame that allows for the docking of different modules.
The second image shows a city high up in the mountains that is structured around a water supply on a planet where water can only be gathered from the air. 

Prop Design

A sci-fi version of a cassette player.

Character Design

The first character is an alien design, it was supposed to have a human-like body, but mixed with non-human elements like mechanical and monster parts.
The second character concept is showcasing an olympic paintball team.
The third one is a rework of an older concept of mine, done for the prompt "angry girl".

Environment Painting

These are graphical painting explorations for a 2D environment painting class. They are painted over a photobashed sketch. The scenes are set in a vertical city.


These were done for a movie project based around italian mobsters in cyberpunk New York. The pitch is from my friend Samuel Lauro, check out his work! The team on the project was great, also see: Sarah Hermellin, Cecilia Lapeze and Romane Treluyer!

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