Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
A Collection of Stylized Concept Projects

A Collection of Stylized Concept Projects

Bryan van der Linden
by bryvdlinden on 31 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi! I'm Bryan van der Linden, a third year student at Howest University - Digital Arts and Entertainment. As the title suggests, this page contains a few of my more recent concept projects, both personal and University related! I hope you like them! You can find more of my work here:

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Project FuMe, a future medieval 

This project is what I'm currently working on and follows a scrap collector / adventurer on a long since colonized planet that's regressed back to a medieval-like society, with ruins of a once prosperous and technologically advanced civilization that has now been lost.

The Tinkering Spearwoman

The main character of project FuMe, an adventurer with a  knack for tooling around with tech of the now forgotten scientific civilization

The Adventurer's Abode

For this piece, I've started off with some sketches and a photobash, built that environment in Unreal Engine 5, and created a setup with a weather system and preset sequences as a tool for quickly rendering out a large variety or different weather, light direction and Time of Day thumbnails to paint over.

A demonstration of the workflow described above

an example of some of the different weather looks for the initial environment

The Cursed Bard Project

This was a small stylized design project, where I did a lot of style research, put a compressed styleguide together, and then used it to design a character, his treasure, and the place he lives in

The 3D model I created based off of this concept

And here's the short artbible made for the project

The Dwarven Cook's Essentials Project

A small project where I designed a set of props means for a Dwarven Cook

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