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The Wonderful Journey of Alma

The Wonderful Journey of Alma

Fictional 2D game project I made.

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Hello everyone ! First time participating !  My name is Clémentine, I'm a french concept artist and illustrator finishing my 4th and last school year and let met introduce you to my little project named The Wonderful Journey Of Alma.

The Wonderful Journey of Alma, is a fictionnal 2D game I invented as an exercise ( who knows maybe one day the game will be real ;) ).

Let me introduce you to our main character Alma !

Alma is a young Zardor woman. She lost her arm when she was little and wear a prothestic arm since then.  As an explorer, Alma is very curious and passionate about archaeology. That's what's going to drag her into a wonderful adventure.

This corrupted Meep-Meep warrior has been tasked to defend an artefact. According to Alma there is two variant of them each.

They move clumsily, as if blinded by the power of the mask.

Another big Meep-Meep warrior !

And a little one.

Next let's talk about our little snail ( little well not really), Pumpkin ! Curious and adventurous like Alma, he always carry with him a lot of useful ressources. Because Alma and him are sharing the same scarf, he let her use his ressources ( In exchanged of one or two salade leaf).

Now let's talk a little bit about the environnement. The Wonderful Journey of Alma will take place in various environnement and this trees are the begining of what differents worlds in Alma look like. 

For now I've decided to concentrate myself only on the first level of the game.

This are the few assets and  test for level one inside a mystical forest.

And this are screentests to give an idea of what the game can look like.

Thank you for watching my little project :)

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