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Swann Valenza - 3D animation entry

Swann Valenza - 3D animation entry

by swannvalenza on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi, I'm Swann Valenza, a fourth year student at MoPA school, in the south of France. I'm really passionate about directing and making ideas come to life. These projects are my best works from the past 2 years, and I hope you'll like it !

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This is the best of my work from these past 3 years at MoPA school ! Some of them are done for class, other at home on my free time. I hope you'll like it !

OYABUN - 30 seconds Short film

OYABUN is a 30 seconds short film I co-directed with Juliette Michel, Julien Coetto, Téo Frantz, Florian Maurice and Clémence Provost. We did it during our 4th year at MoPA school, with the theme "Shapes and Spaces". It was a 10 weeks work, and our main inspiration was the editing of the blockbusters trailers.

Done with : Maya, Arnold, Xgen, Marvelous Designer, Zbrush, Nuke, Photoshop.

The short is about an ambitious Yakuza becoming the leader of his clan : the Oyabun. 

During the pre-production of the short, I worked a lot on the story board with Clémence Provost and Florian Maurice. We had 24 shots for 30 seconds, so the board was a big challenge, the editing needed to be on point since the first version of the film.

I really loved to work on the concepts, pushing the artistic direction on a scratchy and grunge style, with a lot of grain and 2D effects.

I worked on the modeling of our main character. The final design, made by Juliette Michel and Clémence Provost was sculpted by Florian Maurice. I was in charge of the retopology, UVs, eyes, teeth and props modeling. Later I worked on the surfacing with Juliette.

I also did a lot of layout on this film ! As I said, we had many shots, so we had to keep them well organized, and to get a nice workflow between the animation and image team. I really liked working on the translation between the story board and the 3D aspect of the movie.

I really loved to work on the compositing of this film ! Breaking the smooth aspect of the 3D renders, and getting back to the artistic direction we set up weeks ago was a real pleasure. 

My favorite shot was the master shot of the film. The background in fisheye was so fun to play with on Nuke !

HE'S WATCHING YOU - Solo horror short film

This short film is my biggest project of last year. We had to make a one minute short in 3D, alone, in almost 5 months. I really wanted to challenge myself on the direction and mood of this short, so I choose to make a horror kind, to get out of what we are used to see in 3D animation.

Softwares : 3ds Max, Blender, Zbrush, V-ray, Substance Painter, Nuke, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Adobe Audition

The pre-production of this project was a big challenge. Doing the scenario, story board, concept arts alone, I tried my best to push it as far as I could. The board was one of my favorite part, since I was able to try different version of the film, testing which one was the scariest. 

The character modeling was strongly inspired by the famous Pixar style. It was really fun to bring this cartoonish style to a more dark mood.

The rig and the animation are far from being my speciality. But I gave it my best shot ! The rig of the main character was done with the 3ds Max auto-rig "LH auto rig", and the monster was a home made rig.

I really love compositing, and giving this dark, horror mood to the film was really fun to ! 

FRANK - Greeting card short film

This is a Greeting card short film, made at MoPA school, directed by Damien Rudeaux, Florian Maurice, Swann Valenza and Téo Frantz, with the help of Lucie Donadio. The goal of this project was to match the mood of the original Frankenstein movies. We made it in one month of work. I worked a lot on the main character Frank. Florian Maurice did the sculpt, and I did the retopology, the character's assets and the surfacing. I also worked a lot on the lighting and did a bit of animation.

Software used : 3ds Max, Blender, Zbrush, Substance Painter, V-ray, Nuke, Premiere pro, Photoshop, Audition.

Character Design and modeling :

Pi-Rat ! - Character modeling exercice

This was a character design and modeling exercice we did around November. We had to make an hybrid between a human and an animal during 3 weeks. I first made the concept art and then jumped into Maya for the first time ! 

Done with Maya, Blender, Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, Substance Painter, Designer, Xgen, Arnold and Nuke. 

Mr Book - Personnal project

Here is a little personnal project I did recently, based on the wonderful design of Elijah Mazur ! 

Done with Maya , Blender, Substance Painter, Arnold and Nuke.

Thanks a lot for your attention ! 

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