慧心寺 - Temple of the Enlightened Mind

慧心寺 - Temple of the Enlightened Mind

by AlexTang on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A project for the final module at Escape Studios. Based on a concept art of a temple in the mountains, we worked over 4 months to bring the concept to life, incorporating aspects of Chinese architecture and culture to create this massive imposing space.

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慧心寺 - Temple of the Enlightened Mind

A Buddhist temple in the mountains, only those who are worthy may achieve true enlightenment. This was a group project for the final module at Escape Studios. Working with a team of 8 members over 4 months, we sought to bring light to a culture that wasn't shown much in games. Following a concept art by RRRobin, we looked into bringing in Chinese architecture from the Ming dynasty and Forbidden City to adapt the concept art into a playable game level with strong visual aspects and storytelling elements.

We wanted to bring the harsh feel of a Chinese temple. A Chinese temple is meant to be imposing, making you clear of all other thoughts whilst you sit and explore the grand massive space. It is meant to make you think and reflect on your actions, devoid of other emotions. 

The cold lighting and strong symmetrical architecture represents the hardships of life. Only through meditation and showing your devotion to the Buddhas may you achieve enlightenment.

Progress from blockout to final project:

The elemental Buddha platforms representing Wood, Water, Fire and Earth corresponding to the Chinese elements. 

Closeups of the hero props using references of the Forbidden City:

Cinematic of the project:

Thank you for having a look at our project! It was a long few months but the team was dedicated and hardworking to the very end to bring this project to life. 

The amazing team:

Alex - Producer/Environment Artist - www.artstation.com/alextang

Amelia - Lead Artist, Material Artist - www.artstation.com/ameliaevershed

Abbas - Lighting Artist - www.artstation.com/abbas_ishtiaq

Di - Lead Prop Artist - www.artstation.com/jdd

Hamida - Prop Artist - www.artstation.com/phantomess

Ed - Prop Artist - www.artstation.com/eddiecopilul

Michael - Prop Artist - www.artstation.com/mkokkinos

Justin - Visual Effects Artist, Cinematics Artist - www.artstation.com/justinanduiza

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