Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Animation Visual Development Portfolio

Animation Visual Development Portfolio

Zach Grzymala
by zachgrzymala on 31 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi! This is a collection of my Visual Development work from Junior Year of studying Computer Animation at Ringling College of Art & Design. My portfolio covers some of my favorite projects. Social Links below, Enjoy!

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Swashbuckled | Pitch Painting

This is a painting project I did for my Visual Development class at Ringling College of Art & Design. I was given three randomized words: Pirate, Volcano, and Secret Hideout. From those words, I had to create a digital painting pitching an original story pertaining to those words. I used Adobe Photoshop to create this. Below, I have included the final painting, as well as some process work, enjoy!

Inkblot Exploration

This is another project I did for my Visual Development class at Ringling College. I utilized programs like Adobe Photoshop and Alchemy to visualize character and animal designs in grayscale. I tried to turn each conceptualization into a piece featuring one humanoid character and one animal character.

Roaring 20s Character Designs

Finally, one last project from my Visual Development studies at Ringling College. For this one, I explored the era of the Roaring 20's and developed  three character designs based on Jungian's archetypes. I created 'The Outlaw' a mafia boss, 'The Lover' a female flapper, and 'The Innocent' a newsie boy. Enjoy!

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