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Axel Roux
by AxelRoux on 28 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hello, I'm Axel Roux, a 19 years old student with a lot to learn ; Welcome in this humble abode. Here, you'll find an assembly of works - born from both assignements and workshops during my first year in the New3dge Concept Art program. Hope you'll enjoy it :)

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Round of applause for our sponsors


 A collection of Keyframes & Environment Designs done over workshops and assignments at New3dge

- Entering the Elder Woods -

Done for a class with Jama Jurabaev, on a project alongside my classmates Regin Wellander, Bryan Zapata, Noel Martins, Unai Loidi, Noah Hamilton & Samuel Lauro - check their work too :) !

- Infinity Monastery -

Temple pristine & breakdown shots developed with Max Schiller during a keyframe design course. 

Post-Apo bases Design - Interior Design shots realized with Chris Kintner

- Tales of Jormungandr -

Where 'the Boys' venture this bizarre world, in which eerie structures appeared on our planet's surface -seemingly out of nowhere, opening questions that our protagonists probably won't feel like trying to answer.

Done during a workshop with George Varodi, in which we learnt how to sketch with photos - then paint from it
(Demo right below)

Chorus of War - Cinematic Shots realized under the supervision of Jason Horley. Check out the work of my groupmates Regin Wellander, Cariou CĂ©line, Noel Martins & Unai Loidi !


Animal Characters - Priest, Brigand and fisherman, worked on during an assignement week at New3dge

Portrait Studies - Stylization exercice realized with the teaching of Lucile Meunier

Various Designs - Respectively, on my own, with Thomas Istepanyan, and a study done with Lucile Meunier


Transforming Weapons & crate - Designed with Wouter Gort

Various practical Props - Designed under the teaching of Joe Gloria

And this is it for my entry, compiling some of what I have done and learnt this year at New3dge ! 
See you next time - I'll keep on striving for more :) !

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