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TinRush is a four-player collaborative competitive game set in a Cornish tin mine. Play as 2 rival mining companies competing to gather as much tin as possible to load onto your team’s train, casting and combining spells to destroy anyone who gets in your way!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

25th October 2054: One year after the Great Pasty Shortage...

….Cornwall has isolated itself from the rest of the world to preserve what pasties they have left …

Tin has become the new currency, and mining reigns supreme…

… In time, this will come to be known as the great TinRush…

TinRush is a four-player collaborative competitive game set in a Cornish tin mine. Play as 2 rival mining companies competing to gather as much tin as possible to load onto your team’s train, casting and combining spells to destroy anyone who gets in your way!

Immerse yourself in fast-paced Cornish chaos!

Combine elemental magic to blast your enemies!

Collaborate and compete with your friends!

TinRush is a third year student game developed by Accidental Discovery, a passionate team of 11.

Toby Atkinson – Programming

Dominyka Baliunaite – Art

Carolina Bonazzi – Art

Megan Chell – Animations

Leon Chick – Art

Freya GIll – Writing

Elmo La Mantia – Art

Ada Lesinskaite – Design

Tyler Lowes – Art

Tarik Sabin – Programming

Adrian Tofan – Programming

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