Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
FOXHUNT & Beyond | Ceska Dullona

FOXHUNT & Beyond | Ceska Dullona

Ceska Dullona
by cskad on 27 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A concept and illustration portfolio featuring FOXHUNT, a project for an urban fantasy thriller graphic novel and an assortment of miscellaneous pieces.

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A visual development project I've done during university. FOXHUNT is a graphic novel in the genres of urban fantasy and thriller. It tells the story of a kirin who obsessively pursued his nemesis: a kumiho throughout numerous reincarnations right up to the modern era in his pursuit of vengeance. The world is one where supernatural, mythical and folklore beings known as mystics live side by side with regular humans and creatures. 

CHARACTER CONCEPTS: Here are the concepts for the two main characters: Katsuo and Jeong-ho and the two main reoccurring characters: Yuu and Dr. Jayesh Raman.

Here I documented the process behind drawing Yuu's final concept. This process is the same amongst all of my character designs and illustrations. Essentially, I start with a sketch - which usually varies in complexity depending on the actual project, then line art - this is where I also make any corrections and adjustments to things like anatomy, form and details. For coloring, I map out the local colors and section them off into layers before going back to render each component. The piece is more or less done, but I always add adjustment layers for pushing certain values or for flair and polish. 

COVER ILLUSTRATION: A mock cover illustration for one of FOXHUNT's volumes - featuring Jeong-Ho as the comic pages I've chosen to do feature the rest of the featured characters. 

COMIC PAGES: A vertical slice of FOXHUNT's comic pages, with a set of thumbnails where the pages were selected from. 

For context, Katsuo and Yuu have been tracking down the identity of the "Tooth-Fairy Killer", setting a trap to lure in the mysterious mercenary after they sent a threat to Yuu's office. Now they've bested the killer, who is willing to unmask their identity.

The actual process starts from the thumbnail, then I refine and make any changes through a refined sketch. Afterward, I added linework and tones to the page, before finally adding assets such as speech bubbles.

The pages are to be read left to right.


An assortment of non-FOXHUNT pieces which are my favorites among my personal bests. Most are original characters and some are fan art.

ORIGINAL CHARACTER EXPLORATION: These are concepts of my character Shigeru who I've also adapted into the universe of Genshin Impact, as well as an array of outfits with different expressions and arm placement variations. These were made to explore character portraits usually found in the likes of visual novels. The other character is a qilin mercenary character I also made.

GREEK GOD DESIGNS: Two character concepts made for uni, the task was to create characters in the context of a fighting game, and I went for the theme of mythological figures. Here are the two Greek god characters I designs: Dionysus and Hermes. We were also asked to illustrate them in the context of this game, so I drew a victory end screen featuring both of these characters.

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