Concept Art / Illustration

Concept Art / Illustration

Nawel Benrhannou
by Nawii on 24 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi! Last year, I finished my 5 years of studies at Isart digital as a Game Art student. Since my graduation, I decided to work on several personal projects to improve my skills and reinforce my art style :) So here is a compilation of all the work I did between 2021 and 2022 :D

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Let's begin with my first small project: The Archangel! I wanted to design a massive, impressive, and powerful being, heavily inspired by Greek mythology 


In 2020, I thought about creating my original character: "Bird". One year and a half later, I started to design her first appearance, beginning with rough sketches of her expressions and attitudes. 

Then, I needed to include some storytelling, to make her more consistent in her universe, that's how I thought about this "double life". I liked the idea that she had to deal with two opposite lives, as a huntress and a noble.

Here are all the researches I did, exploring many aspects of her design, through lines and colors :)

Final design and colors reseraches 

BIRD - Cosy Nest Inn

I also wanted to include some environment in this character design project, to establish her daily life and reinforce the storytelling. 

so I thought of a place in the village that can bring people together and give them a good time. What's better than an inn to do so! And to stay in the theme, I thought about adding a huge aviary, so even birds can rest if they need to!
I also designed some accessories for Bird, always thinking about her double life, as a noble and a huntress, so we can see all the little objects she uses in her everyday life.


Atomhawk Challenge

Last summer, I participated in the "Atomhawk" contest to create an illustration based on a specific theme: The Return


A few months ago, I did this little project based on a lovely family! I still looking for the most comfortable way for me to make illustrations, so I also used this project to experiment with colors, line art, adding photobashing to mix lines and painting, etc... It was a lot of fun!

PLAY CURIOUS - Internship

Last year I worked 7 months as an intern at Play Curious, a small indie game studio, based in France. I had to work on their new game project, a visual novel that would provide some advice to college students. Helping them to know how to be more organized, efficient, or more confident, in their studies!
(The game is still in development and is not released yet)

So made some concept art of the 4 "instructors" and the Library :)


I really enjoyed watching 2 series of the Netflix catalog these past months, so I wanted to make some fan art!  

Here is a "Bridgerton" fan art, based on the season 2, that came out recently :)

And there is some fan art of "Shadow and Bone"  


And to conclude this entry, here are some random artworks I did over the past year, as well as sketches and studies :)

Thank you if you watched this far, it was a very long entry, which I hope you enjoyed! Since I finished art school I wanted to take some time on my own to practice, and feel more confident about my style and abilities, so I drew a lot and had a lot of fun :D 

Can't wait to see all the amazing entries!

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