Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


It's a team project realised during the 1st year of 3D animation VFX at New3dge school.

25 1424 0
Round of applause for our sponsors


          Hi, here is our first movie project for NEW3DGE as a team, named SHIFT.

Before you enjoy the movie, let's talk about the goal and the challenges of this project. We wanted to go for a vehicle, going from A to B with a plot. Here is the pitch : a racing car heavily modified by a tuning sponsor starts a solo run in New York, then some police cars engage a patrol and miss the tuned machine which hardly braked right before meeting them. After watching many racing games trailers, we asked ourself "And why not ?"

          The main challenge here was to reproduce New York, so we scanned the real world map to build from it. To make it live, we had to add many details such as advertising panels, small props, wastes, construction sites, traffic, smokes and pedestrians.

         Then comes our main subject : the car. We designed the whole bodykit, with the racing livery. Afterwards we had to model a proper engine with a strong chassis, and here it was, the SHIFT monster.

          The last ingredients to the recipe were an impacting lighting and a realistic animation, for that we went for high contrast, thus highlighting the car, and a complex rig for every detail and movement from the car, such as suspensions reacting from inertia and tires pressure. The cherry on top of the cake : a strong color grading with some brass trap music.

                           We are pretty proud of this project, so we hope you enjoyed it !

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