Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
The Great Mosque

The Great Mosque

Adityavikram M Joshi
by AdityamJoshi on 17 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

I am a 3D Artist who practices the art of achieving realistic output in the Virtual Space. The following entry showcases my very first attempt at creating a full fledged 3D environment from a real world reference by learning and using Unreal Engine 4.

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Cinematic Experience of the Environment.

I tried to recreate a visiting experience of the environment using the camera tools in unreal engine

The Great Aleppo Mosque Courtyard situated in the great city of Aleppo, Syria. 

Closer shot of the Mosque a.k.a "Vadhu khana."

A stray away from the initial camera angle to showcase a little bit of the Main Hall Entrance where humans enter in, to pray. 

First Person view of the environment. 

Shoe Rack.

To add texture design to the walls, Decals were created using photoshop and applied onto the models using a master material for decals to make the change of decals easy.

The Main Hall Entrance.


Floor creation using the image created in photoshop.

Creating seamless texture using Substance Designer for the walls.

The floor was created in substance designer as well, whereas all the rest of the textures were created using Materialise and Substance Painter.

Completed environment inside 3ds Max using Camera Matching method.

Camera matching for acquiring proportionate models of the entire environment.

Blockout in Unreal Engine

Placing different images together to acquire a direct top-down view of the floor which wasn't available otherwise.

Reference sheet

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