Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Rise of Métier | Hand Tracking VR Game

Rise of Métier | Hand Tracking VR Game

by crescentlwc on 16 Apr 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A single-player VR hand tracking fantasy fighting game that is developed under the Unity game engine and Oculus VR headgear.

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Rise of Métier

In reality, we all might be just ordinary people doing different occupations. But in this Virtual Reality world, we are heroes.

Rise of Metier is a single-player VR game where players are able to use the knowledge and skill of their own occupation in reality as their superpower in this Virtual World and fight the monster with the strength of their profession. 

Stylized Art Style

The art style used for the game environment is stylized while the toon shader is applied to the enemy. The combination of the art style can only be seen in superheroes comics or animated movies, which added a layer of immersiveness to the game for the player.

While different heroes will have a different world to fight the monster. For example, Artisland, a place filled with dreamy and abstract elements and colors is created for The Artists while The Whereabouts, full of dark roaming around, is a crime scene for police to fight against the monster.

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