Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Space complex rest room EGEORED | UE5 Environment

Space complex rest room EGEORED | UE5 Environment

Leonardo F. Betancur  Díaz
by BETA on 7 Apr 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This is the conclusion of two months of hard work, learning about decal techniques, trimsheet workflows, material creation inside unreal engine and a bunch of workflows widely used in the game and inmersive industry.hope you like it! Software used: Unreal Engine 5, Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset & Krita

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Unreal Engine 5 preview

This is the final result, after two months of hard work and learning more about material creation, proceduralism and the application of some interesting trimsheet workflows, this is the final result, for the set dressing I used the awesome megascans from Quixel

Blender preview

Once I finished with the asset creation, I decide to make quick renders using the new build of blender 3.0.1 that implements the new realtime global ilumination system (or SSGI), and I have to admit that the result it's pretty cool

Assets & 3D Models

Each asset was very challenging to do, my first goal was to create an unique (but at the same time) iterable piece,  keeping a modular functionality, and keeping a good visual balance between details and main forms, of course the trimsheet was vital in the process creation, it was the responsable of the style.

Blender Preview (Mesh)

Unreal Engine Assets

Trimsheet Creation

This trimsheet was an opportunity to improve my design skills, always looking for a scifi style highly inspired by concepts of Star citizen, where the industrial and scifi style blends perfectly. The highpoly mesh was done in blender, and the lowpoly version used like decals, was constructed using Marmoset, the high poly details were baked in a plane using the previous software.

Concept art & inspiration

This is the beginning of this journey, Inspired by the awesome designs of Star Citizen, Halo, Doom and other games, I started creating a concept art with very rough and quick draws, testing out some cool tools like grease pencil in blender and krita, during this creative process I was polishing (including some orthographic views to have an idea of the distribution space) the concept until have a decent idea to start the environment creation.

Material & Surfacing (UE5)

This material is the conclusion of some studies of creating procedural materials within UE, I used vertex colors to make the color variations and avoid too many material slots in each asset , and I played with two UVs sets in each asset to combine rough, normal (tileable textures) and other surface details with a variety of unique masks (Those masks were created in Substance Painter) to make the surfaces more realistic and include for example edge wear.

Master Material general  view

Creation Process & Iterations

Posters (some extra details)

... or maybe an easter eggs?

To add a more personal touch, I included some posters over the scene that contains two sketches that I made some months ago, I challenge you to found it.

These are the sketches:

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