Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
My work for 2021 - 2022

My work for 2021 - 2022

Elmo La Mantia
by elmolamantia on 29 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

My work for 2021 - 2022. Had a great time making all this, and learnt so much. My final year in education was a difficult one, but the experience I have gathered from my studies, and work opportunities, has gotten me feeling prepared for the world of work.

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Nightmare Palace

This years entry for Search For A Star (2021-2022). Since this will be my last entry, I really wanted to make something visually striking and creative.

When choosing a theme, Dreamscape appealed to me the most as it seemed the broadest in terms of scope and I felt it would give me the most creative freedom. In my work, I have found particular enjoyment exploring horror as a topic, so for this project wanted to make something eerie and creepy. I also wanted to use a texturing style different to my usual stylized aesthetics.

With all this in mind, I present to you ‘Nightmare Palace’. A glimpse at a living room in a palace inside the realm of nightmare.

Breakdown and close up shots for the Nightmare Palace scene.

Windmill Vineyard

My project for term 1, 3rd year at Falmouth University. For this piece, my goal was to really push my stylized art skills I had developed so far. I also wanted to experiment with new ways of making trees and push my grass wind effect from previous projects. 

While I am somewhat happy with my results, I feel I was hamstrung by my other ongoing job projects. Regardless, I am happy with what I have produced in the allocated time. Next time I would like to plan my time better to get the most out of my working hours. I also desperately want the opportunity to work to a concept. ZBrush sculpting to push the stylized wood is the main point for improvement for me.

Break down and close ups for Windmill Vineyard.

Standing Stone and path

A relatively short project I made to push my stylized environment skills. While creating this I learnt a lot about foliage creation and used it as an opportunity to push my EU4 technical skills, especially in RVT application. I felt quite happy with this project, it allowed me to emphasize the environment art skills I had developed up to this point. 

However, I feel the saturation and colour balancing is a tad garish. This is something I will work on for future projects. I have always been heavy handed and as such topics like lighting and composition have been difficult to me. Working with new tree sculpting techniques was interesting, as was learning about the huge world of RVT!

Gorgon Shield

A few day long project I made for the IntoGames weekly challenge. The theme was to re imagine a mythical beast from ancient Greek mythology. I really enjoy working to a brief with a solid deadline (controversial I know), in my opinion, it allows me to push my creative skills. They say limitation is the patron of creativity.

I am happy with how this came out, I especially enjoyed working from high to low poly. Working with animated texture (eyes) was super fun and something I want to work on in the future. (I did win the competition as well by the way).

Eldritch Discovery

A short project I made over a few weeks in the summer just for fun! For this piece I wanted to focus on a small area, as with many of my projects I go 'too large', leading to a loss of detail in some places. 

The highlight of this project for me, was working on the material animations for the glowing runes and the torch light effect. The spooky setting is one I truly enjoy in my work. From this project, it has become apparent I need to include a greater amount of material variations in terms of roughness.

2021 -2022 overview.

For me, this year has been a big one. Since it is my final year at Falmouth University, I focused on pushing my skills and developing my portfolio to hopefully land a job! I have landed a few freelance jobs, which have been really fun and have given my a better understanding of the realities of work. I have also managed to land a position leading the art team at Immersive Business Falmouth, working on a project involving the space launch here in Cornwall (TBA)! Since I want to lead teams in the future, I feel this is a super awesome opportunity and a step in the right direction.

While my primary focus has been on stylized art, I am now looking to expand more into a realistic style. I have also become very interested in the world of Shader Graph (both Unity and Unreal) and particle effects. Both of which I make use of to make my environments more interesting. 

Me and my team have also been developing our student game called TinRush! This experience has taught me a lot about the importance of organization and communication within a team setting. I am sure these skills will come in useful moving forward. There is even the slim possibility of taking the team forward and forming a company, with the help of the University. Exciting stuff.

Overall, it has been great. I have learnt so much, earnt some money and got some great experience along the way. I feel fairly confident getting a job in the not to distance future. Thanks so much to the Rookies for setting up these competitions.

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