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Justice Rises- Superhero VR Game

Justice Rises- Superhero VR Game

by justicerisesvr on 15 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Justice Rises is a highly customizable and fast-paced Virtual Reality based Action game where players battle hordes of enemies from room to room to rid the city of evildoers. Unlike other VR Action games, Justice Rises aims to revolutionize gameplay via player agency with limitless combinations of power sets to create

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Justice Rises- Superhero VR Action Game

Justice Rises is a highly customizable and fast-paced Virtual Reality based Action game where players battle hordes of enemies from room to room to rid the city of evildoers. Unlike other VR Action games, Justice Rises aims to revolutionize gameplay via player agency with limitless combinations of power sets to create the ultimate superhero.

Our Goal:

We believe Virtual Reality is one of the lead technological innovations to when it comes to video games. With Justice Rises, we aim to revolutionize gameplay with our limitless super power combinations. Out of the 4 current powers available, players can select one of those as their main power and another as their secondary. We want players to have a memorable gameplay experience and keep coming back because of these unique power combinations. With superheroes taking the world by storm, most of them appear in forms of media that we watch and interact with, but never truly feel the connection via immersion. Our goal is to make any person regardless of age, gender, race to feel like a true superhero.

Gameplay and Narrative:

Justice Rises serves as a unique gameplay experience via its limitless combination of superpowers which aims to create the ultimate superhero. This, in turn, allows for plenty of player agency and several ways to approach gameplay. No one player will have the exact same style of gameplay. Our current lineup of powers include: Fire, Amp, Gravity, and Monolith with more powers being added into the future. As players progress through the game and story, they will level up and be able to unlock new abilities from the very expansive skill tree upgrade system. Lastly, the game will also consist of boss battles. These characters will challenge the player's skills to new heights. Each boss will play a key part in the game’s overarching narrative of power and corruption. 

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