Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Garance Duchêne Ribas
by FlorentGayot and garance on 1 Jun 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

A brave scarecrow fights off a dangerous predator to protect his cornfield. Graduation short film.

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Round of applause for our sponsors


 or Scarfcriin for our friends... :)

Jack, a scarecrow, befriends the corn in his field. After several months of lovingly watching over them, they are attacked by a cruel predator. Faced with this massacre, and blinded by anger, Jack risks his life defending them.

Here is the teaser, don't forget: bring popcorn! :D

We wanted a humorous project based on the duality between fantasy and reality. At first viewing an innocent story, we wanted the spectator to be caught up in the escalation of Jack the Scarecrow's adventures.

Here are some breakdowns of some shots! 

Meet the Scarecrew, the beautiful bunch of people who worked on Scarecrow: 

LAST, but not least,

Scarecrow, the movie.

Thank you all for everything!
More breakdowns will be posted in our portfolios in the upcoming weeks. 
See you!  

The Scarecrew -
Garance, Florent, Louve, Rénalya, Théo, Anaëlle et Baptiste.

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