Unite your Being - 2021

Unite your Being - 2021

Liana Galic
by lianagalic on 1 Jun 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

A vertical slice of a personal project that I have been exploring during my studies at CDW studios/Flinders university.

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'Unite your being' 

The following is a 'vertical slice' of my personal project titled 'Unite your being'. It is a mobile video game concept, following a 2D side-scrolling, run and gun gameplay formula, set in a 1930's cartoon dreamscape.

'The Average man' is involved in a deathly incident which propels him into the land of his subconscious. Working through the seven realms of his subconscious mind, the player must defeat and capture the keepers of the realms to reunite his being. 

Explore the depths of the Average Mans mind through psychedelic visuals and charming character designs which are showcased below. 

The collage above exhibits the themes and styles which inspired my work, though each realm of the protagonists subconscious will be represented individually through their own theme.

Designing the characters

The Average Man

Within my design process of the main character I had to compromise appropriately between function and style. The Average man was designed to reflect a 1930's 'sitcom persona'. His basic outfit adorned with fedora hat, suspenders and tie are reflective of the  time period whilst intentionally lacking individuality. To maintain attractive shape language and to build a likeable character I exaggerated certain assets such as his jeans, tie and fedora. This helped create distinguishable shape design that could be viewed at varying scales. 

Additionally, the lack of secondary detail and colour in his character design juxtapose against the surrounding environments and bosses.  

The Babushka Boss

The following characters were designed as the keepers for realm 1. Inspired by babushka dolls, this three tier boss reflect the 'physical body' within the 7 layers of the human energy field. This first boss mimics the physical body and the changes in which our body undergoes throughout time. 

Making Posters

The next step was establishing a name and title banner. Here is the collection of work which shows my raw thumbnailing and design process as well as some examples of the promotional images I've designed. 

Thanks for checking out my work- I will continue the development of this game over the next semester at university and aim to upload some more updates soon!

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