Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Kedai Runcit

Kedai Runcit

by EeHuey on 31 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

The Kedai Runcit idea enables the youth to experience the nostalgic pleasure of the 90s snacks and toys. This Role-playing game preserves the 90s grocery store culture in a format that permits timely and convenient access to information.

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Nostalgic grocery stores are slowly fading away, overcast by supermarkets and hypermarkets. The young generation has not even experienced the happiness that the grocery store has bought to society.

The Kedai Runcit idea enables the youth to experience the nostalgic pleasure of the 90s snacks and toys. This Role-playing game preserves the 90s grocery store culture in a format that permits timely and convenient access to information.

Characters designed with different skin colors represent the three major races in Malaysia.

Some iconic elements are added to the grocery store environment, such as biscuit tins, tikams, and some plastic jars with a red lid.

This console game offered unique gameplay with clue search. Interact with friendly game characters and play minigames. With an easily control joystick, all you need is only two fingers to master the game. You can easily experience a console game that resembles the 90s.

Here is the full walkthrough of the game, and followed by in-game screenshots.

Thank You!

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