Tiny cushy room

Tiny cushy room

Brisa Morales Camacho
by BrizGMC on 1 Jun 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

I took a room to try to recreate a inpiration place. Let´s create a comfortable, artistic and warm space.

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REFERENCES: Search for inspiration in lofts and rustic spaces to contrast them with modern furniture. I chose five elements for highlight the space to make it special: Comfort, vegetation, identity and appropriation, narrow stairs and balconies.

A game of full and empty as an articulator of space that introduces light and green as elements. Austere materials such as brick and wood  that dialogue and complement the vegetation.

The room was marked, I just had to see how to design from the inside out. Flexibility, inner fluidity, space meetings and artistic spirit.

I decide play with different element and finish materials. Little changes result in different atmosphere.

Decoration: I modeled the bookcase, the shelf under the staircase, the crystal rose and the paintings inspired by real items I have in my room. The armchair, TV, plants, books and sculptures are all part of the Chaos Cosmos library.

As complement decide integrate ten picture for my favorite artist Audrey Kawasaki and Kelogsloop.

To imagine and materialize in an image at such a realistic level thanks to technology seems amazing to me, but the process of hours of work looking for that dream is fun and exciting, the emotions during the process get to alienate you from the world for hours, at the end when you see the result is an incredible feeling.

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