Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Into the Multiverse | Baby Steps into Environment Design

Into the Multiverse | Baby Steps into Environment Design

by valerooney on 29 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

Hi everyone! Here are a few concept designs featuring a collaborative project that I've worked on in college. My time in school has introduced me to environment design and it captivated me to explore on creating different worlds and landscapes.

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The Green Plague - A Collaborative Project

"The Green Plague" is a story about a druidess who discovers the root of nature's destruction was caused by mankind's greed for technological advancement. Her intent to save the town from the plague has now turned into a conflict of choosing between saving the people or the dying forest after discovering the truth.

The scene below is the environment design of the town square. A lone tree fountain sits in the middle of it all surrounded by man-made premises, bustling factories and its nasty fumes. A faint ray of sunshine casts upon it showing signs of green life still exists in this polluted town.

Environment Concept Art 

These environment designs are done with the help of 3D software Blender and touching up in Photoshop.

 The first image is a ancient roman inspired library interior -  a strong sunlight casts upon a lonely scholar, immersed in his studies. 

The second image is a Sci-Fi research facility. It sits at the outskirts of the city with researchers and scientists toiling from dawn to dusk, expanding their understanding of the frozen wasteland that lies ahead of them.

Frozen Heart. A globetrotter dives deep into a ice cave and discovers its core that resembles the shape of a human heart.

Futuristic Dystopian Wet Market. A bustling marketplace occupies an abandoned parking lot with vendors earnestly trying to make a living during hard times.

Thank you for viewing! Have a wonderful day ahead :)

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