Anna Yang 2021

Anna Yang 2021

Hsin-Hua (Anna) Yang
by annayang on 30 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

Hello! I'm a motion designer, illustrator, graphic designer, and animator. Lately, I have been a huge fan of abstract shapes and motion. Here's some work from 2020-2021! ​

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Hi Friends! 👋

I’m Anna and I just finished my senior year at SCAD with a degree in Motion Media Design. Here are some pieces I’ve created in 2020-2021.

Motion design has become my passion. I am constantly seeking the most effective yet simplest way to express one’s unique voice through the magic of design- so sit back and enjoy :)


Pause is my senior capstone, it is about a journey searching for a way to pause everything.

I was eager to grow when I was little. It felt like time was moving extremely slow. But, as I grew older, time didn't walk, it ran. Everything felt so fast and there was always a moment where I just wanted to pause everything. The grown-up world is so different than what I expected, yet I struggled, to search for a way to make everything stand still for just a moment. I never found it- so what if what I need is not a pause, never a pause…then what is it?

The production on this project is unique in that the design was primarily created in Photoshop and then recreated in After effects. I was the director and designer and Desmond Du was the technical director and animator on 3D shots. Alexandera Marca, MaryBeth Morgan, Anna Vallario, Sabrina Guyton and I were the animators, with Harley McCumber producing the SFX and music for the film. 

                    “May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.” - Xan Oku

Founder Vision Video

Founder is a mobile app created for entrepreneurs that helps users find the perfect team and idea for their next future endeavor and bring success to startups. The application uses a custom-developed survey to match people to their most compatible team members. Founder is also the very first product that is going to be launched under the upcoming startup, Conteur.

The vision video is created as one of the promotions for the app's launch in early April. It was designed to reflect the idea of connecting and team building. Anna Yang on design, Anna Vallario on animation, and Miles Kredich on sound, and Mikayla Kim supervising. These files were then imported into Aftereffects and animated.

The Metamorphosis

I designed and animated this title sequence piece based on the book "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. I intended to portray the absurd plot written in the book and the lonely emotion of the salesman Gregor Samsa. I explored live-action ink motion during the process of making the title.

Start Up Logo Animation

The logo animation for Start-Up 2021, an annual, week-long design sprint hosted by FLUX - the UX club in collaboration with SCADpro. The design took a simple and elegant approach which suits this year's Start-Up branding. I worked on the design, Kagan Marks worked on the animation.

ESPN Logo Resolve and Netflix Brand ID

The logo reveal for ESPN was created with a simple and straightforward motion, a unique voice that speaks excitement and intense sports programming. The animation is short and "snackable" for the target audience to catch the emotion in a short time. 

The short brand ID is created for Netflix with a typographic approach, the goal is to identify and distinguish Netflix in consumers' minds. I designed and animated, Alex Wang did the sound.

Get Organized With The Home Edit

A rebrand title for the show Get Organized with The Home Edit. As for the rebrand direction, we kept their signature color scheme, the rainbow, but reworked the overall design and utilization of the visual elements. The strategy was to reimagine every design detail of the show with a minimal, content-driven, fast-paced, modern, and refreshing perspective. The rebranded design system aims to reduce the distractions in transitions, main titles in order to elevate its brand and show value. I lead the design, Sabrina Guyton leads the animation, and Micheal Karaman did the sound.

Dead Poets Society Title Sequence

The title sequence was designed, filmed, and edited by Anna Yang and Ghia Villasin based on the concept depicting the relaxing and thoughtful atmosphere of the film. We aimed to use macro shots of specific objects and actions to establish the setting of the film. The frames were able to convey a hint of melancholy.

We Are Amazing!

"Who am I?" Is a common question that everyone will encounter in their lives. In the process of exploring answers, we often get labeled with words that don't represent us. Even so, we want to be able to live a life of our own and define our values. We are who we are - simply amazing. 

Anna Yang, Amy Sun, and Kim Lin are the designers and animators.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey :)

Connect with me!

Portfolio Website

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